New Year, New Beginnings!

New Year, New Beginnings.

Six months have flown by since my return to Italy. I’d love to share our progress and give a thank you to all those who have contributed.

All the final jobs have been completed in the house, the rooms are furnished and looking smart with the addition of fabulous curtains. The website and Airbnb page are ready to go live. Outside the new courtyard has been prepared and tiled and we only have the railings and façade outstanding,to be completed after the winter.

Over the Summer friends, and friends of friends, have come to stay for a few days or weeks. It was a chance to experience the reality of sharing the house with other people. It is, of course, hard work changing beds, washing and ironing sheets and trying to keep the place looking its best, but this is far out-weighed by the pleasure of being an attentive host and hearing how people have enjoyed their stay.

I have had a chance to work through the reality of the procedures and operations involved in the running of a B&B, and make adjustments accordingly.

Over the months so many have given of their time and expertise to bring the project to a point when we can really say. ‘We open in Spring 2022’!

Those who have seen us through from the very beginning, of course, the ever patient and inspired architectural team at Atelier Bahia, backed up by the Geometra, GianLuigi Mignacco.

My husband, Wolfgang, who came for a month and stayed for three, building furniture and completing final touches inside the house.

My daughter, Sara, ( who has been invaluable in helping with the setup of the business side of things.

We welcomed the amazing photographer, Soroush Etminan, (soroushphotographer) as a guest and he, captured some beautiful photos of the villa that we are now using on our website.

Not to forget Jennie who came for a well-earned rest and spent her whole holiday transforming the rooms with beautiful curtains.

Thanks to all their contributions we can now say, 

‘We are looking forward to the opening of Sogni D’Oro in May, 2022.’

If you’d like to book your stay, get in touch with your preferred dates and we will get in touch to see what availability we have. Happy New Year!


Sogni D’Oro Wishlist